Alumni Interculturele Communicatie


28/09/18 – AlumnICC lezing ‘Sustainable results in international negotiations’

Op vrijdag 28 september 2018, 18.00 – 19.00 zal Pál Belényesi, International Consultant, Lecturer and European Parliament’s Independent Advisor, zijn ervaringen met cross-culturele onderhandelingen met ons delen. De lezing zal in het Engels zijn.

 Na afloop volgt een discussie en een borrel. Lees hieronder het volledige abstract.

Kom je ook? Registreren doe je hier en kan tot en met 20 september.
Om het evenement te kunnen organiseren vragen we een kleine bijdrage van € 7,50 (incl. lezing en borrel).

Intercultural business communication: sustainable results in international negotiations

Pál Belényesi – International Consultant, Lecturer and European Parliament’s Independent Advisor

Locatie: de Eetkamer (Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht, Drift 27)

International negotiations are often described as win-lose situations. During a confrontation of value propositions, different expectations, diverse cultural backgrounds, mutual respect is the one that counts the most. As a business consultant to both European and non-European entities and government agencies, Pál Belényesi has conducted a host of international negotiations. He will talk about his experiences in the U.S., the Middle East, Europe and Asia. In his practice, small-scale, hood-learnt tactics bring about very little and non-sustainable results, and deals are fundamentally agreed upon when the respective values tie.

Wie is Pál Belényesi?

Pál has 13+ years of experience in cross-cultural negotiations, academic teaching and in providing legal and economic analyses. He is trained in law and economics and possesses extensive client management experience. He has built up a comprehensive lobbying practice and assisted companies and organizations in Brussels in various sectors, such as transport, logistics, ICT and digital markets. Pál is also a former European Commission and Parliament employee. He has demonstrated independent research and communication skills across several disciplines and built up an exceptional understanding of cross-cultural differences. On all occasions, he proved himself to be a result-oriented team leader with a special understanding of the dynamics of European and national policies. He is able to speak and negotiate in five languages and holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in environmental and competition law and economics. Pál is an internationally recognized speaker and a media-savvy communicator regularly training mid- and high-level executives. He is an international consultant in developing countries working and teaching in Asia and the Middle East. Last but not least, he is a contracted independent advisor on legal and economic harmonization matters for the European Parliament.

Kortom, een verhaal dat je niet wilt missen en een mooie gelegenheid om weer bij te praten met anderen alumni tijdens de aansluitende borrel!